A New Morning Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sustaining me throughout the night, and ushering me into this new day, that You have made. O, Lord, You are so very gracious!

Thank you for restoring my mind, body, and soul; for mending my wounds, for binding me up. Thank you for delivering me from darkness. You are my Light.

Thank you for Your new-morning mercies!

O, Lord, You are so faithful, so good; Your steadfast Love is everlasting, from generation to generation! You amaze me! I am in awe of You!

Please go before me and behind me, this day – please lead me, and guide me in the way that I should go. May your Words be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Make me tender, soften my heart – mold me and shape me according to Your design.

Abide in me, through Your Holy Spirit, and please, open my eyes and my ears, so that I may be attentive to Your call.

Thank you for showing me Beauty, thank you providing a second witness to Your Love. Thank you for this Gift: my beloved, this tender flower, my love, my joy.

I am grateful for this Time here…I am grateful for You revealing yourself to me in and through the variety, the contrast, the uncertainty of this life.

Thank you for giving me another day: this day—full of opportunity, a day with life and breath, a day…lived by faith. This faith is yet another gift most precious to me—thank you for giving me eyes to see You and ears to hear You from afar!

Thank you for creating me, O Lord! May my thoughts, my words, my actions, this day, be pleasing and honoring to You. I give You all glory, all praise!

Please hold me, Father. I am Your child. Never let me go. Even when my body is returned to dust, remember me, please. Cover me, Jesus—may Your blood restore me to Life everlasting and my lips will forever sing Your praises!

One thing I ask, one thing I seek after: You. I long to be with You, O Lord, fully. I long to be in your Presence. I long to gaze upon your Beauty. I long to worship You and praise You unhindered. Save me from my sin, O Lord! I am so very desperate for You.

I am yours, now and forever. May your will be done, may your Kingdom come. You are my Lord, my King, My Savior, my Shepherd, my Beloved—my All.

Call me by name, O Lord, when You are ready, and I shall come. I wait upon You, O God.

I love You.
