A Prayer Of Praise

O, Blessed, Beautiful God!

We are continually astonished at Your goodness to us!

We know, without a doubt, that what we deserve is punishment. We know our own sin, our own darkness and shame and regret, our own hypocrisy and pride. We wouldn’t blame You if You put us away from Yourself entirely.

But O Lord, You don’t!

Instead of putting us far from Yourself and punishing us, You draw us tenderly onto Your lap and hold us and give us this - such a very good gift!

O Father, may we remain thankful and satisfied, doing things Your way, the right way, in joyful obedience to You, our Beloved. Out of our love for You, let us walk the path You have set before us, loving the ones You have called us to love, here and now; respecting Your choices for us and resting in Your ways as the very best ways.

We still don’t understand entirely, O Lord. But our hearts overflow with praise! We trust You. We love You. We see You at work and we bow before You in glad submission, knowing that You are our good Father, taking care of all things on our behalf, cleaning up our messes in the kitchen, O Beloved…thank You. What a gift!

The God of the Universe who created all things…and You delight to give us good things?! {in awe} And we have so little to give You, really! But we can give You ourselves, Beloved Christ. And so we do so, willingly, gladly; living sacrifices, bound and determined to praise You with our lips and with our lives for as long as we both shall live!

You have all of us, Lord God.

We love You.
