Come, Follow Me

Come, follow me. - He says.


There, there…hey now. (gentle)

My! Look at this mess! (looks around with a sympathetic smile)

This is no place for you, beloved. No, this won’t do, not for much longer. I know you see beauty here, and I’m so glad! It is beautiful, aye. But, don’t get too comfortable here, please. This isn’t your Home, beloved.

This…all of this, is good. Although I know it’s nearly impossible for you to see right now, you must trust me.

Here, take my hand, please. I’ll guide you, okay?

I know you’re weak, but I am strong. I know you’re thirsty, but I can satisfy you with living water - pure, cool, refreshing water. Water like you’ve never had before, beloved! I know your heart is faint; sick with love. I will ravish you with love - I already am, although it’s hard to see, and feel, I know.

You aren’t losing your greatest treasure, beloved. That’s impossible. I’ve purchased you with my own blood, and I will never leave you or forsake you. You have all things in me, even what you hold dear now.

I will do whatever it takes to win your affection. I have been pursuing you since before you took your first breath. And I will continue to pursue you when you breathe your last.

You will be fully satisfied, beloved. I know it’s hard to wait…but, do you know? I, even I, am waiting for you. I plead with our Father continually, to come to you. You ache, yes? Do you know something, beloved? That ache, is the very ache of my Spirit within you. It’s not your ache, beloved. It’s mine.

Be patient.

I am good.

Why Time? I cannot tell you, beloved. It wouldn’t make any sense to you. It would be harmful, actually. So, for your good, you must simply trust me. I do everything I do, out of love for you.

You don’t need to conceal your tears, your grief, beloved. They are beautiful to me. It shows me you long to be in my presence, fully. It tells me you aren’t fully satisfied now, which makes me happy…so very happy.

I marvel, and take joy, and pleasure in you - ALWAYS. Even when you consider yourself as worthless. I see you with eyes of Love.

I sing you to sleep every single night, beloved. Some Day you will hear me and see me as I am. O! how I long for that Day! You will rejoice over me, and I in you, beloved, FOREVER!

I am the very one that causes your mind to drift off into thoughtlessness. Do you know? I cause your heart rate to slow, and carefully count your hairs every night to be sure I haven’t missed any. You lost several of them yesterday, I still know the whereabouts of each one, and I have my angels guarding them for me.

Nothing in heaven or earth takes place without my allowing it. Nothing. Every single wave, every wisp of wind, every insect, every atom, every molecule…everything beloved is motionless, dead without me giving it life. I give you life.

Follow me, beloved. I will…open my hand; I will satisfy the desire of every living thing - including you.

I love you.