Consider The Baby Chick

O, beloved!

You’re hungry. You’re begging, pleading, persistently – I know.

You…at times, foolishly, wonder if your incessant cries for help are met with annoyance, irritation, or perhaps even displeasure, yes?

I’d like you to consider with me, please, the baby chick. (gentle)

She’s utterly helpless, sitting there in the nest. See? She’s frightened, for so many reasons! A constant supply of chirps go out.

Each one, it seems, with an ever-pressing concern; heightened fretful worries plague her, incessantly – aye!

She’s anxious, and in great need! Her hardly developed mini-molt is poor and meek; one, dare not call them “feathers” – no. They’re much too thin and spindly for providing warmth. She isn’t able to stay warm without crying out for help. She needs to be taken underwing. She cannot live alone.

Her beak is endlessly squawking; laboring continuously night and day. In part, tweeting noisily, asking again and again: making each and every need known, very known indeed! But every now and then the air is met with silence, as she opens wide, waiting, expectantly (sometimes patiently, sometimes not), to be fed. She’s hungry. Her tiny belly can only hold enough food for a short period of time. So, this cycle continues, repeatedly, without ceasing.

I wonder…does the mother hen provide for her young, reluctantly? Does she expect her baby chick to go fend for herself and provide for her needs on her own? No. (tender) She is happy to supply each and every need. It is not only her duty, her purpose, but her great pleasure! What satisfaction! she gains in fulfilling each and every desire, yes?

Beloved? We’re an awful lot like baby chicks, yes? We’re helpless, frightened, and hungry. But our loving Father delights to provide for us. It is His great pleasure to satisfy. Let us not fear, please.

It might take a little longer than we expect. He may not satisfy us exactly the way our limited minds can imagine, here and now…but He loves us. We must not doubt His goodness. He calls us His own.

O, beloved! Let us cry out to Him, again, and again, and again. Let’s not try and climb out of the nest and seek food or shelter for ourselves and fall down, down, down.

May we pour out our souls to Him, and wait patiently – He will provide.