A Few Gentle Words

O, beloved! This God, our God—do you trust Him? You say you do, but do you, really, truly? You fret over silly things like your feelings getting hurt, or a squabbling over some toy or privilege you thought was yours. My dear child, may I remind you of something, please? (gentle) You already have all that you could ever want or need or wish for in Christ Jesus—the Creator and Sustainer of all things. And…if that weren’t enough for you, He’s also giving you the gift of anticipation and contrast, and a most glorious perspective to boot! Do you see? Rub those eyes of faith—invigorate them! Dust off those shelves of wonder and intrigue. Soften your grip, beloved, on this ill-mannered, frivolous grasping. He knows. He knows how many strands of hair you have right this moment, attached to your most precious body, and all the ones you’ve lost over time. Furthermore, He doesn’t just know how many, He perfectly, artfully, skillfully, lovingly crafts each and every one of them! (gentle) He brings Together all the right sort of molecules—the perfect blend of materials, and nutrients for the sacred construction. Aye, He provides the food your body needs, and delightfully works each strand, from within, and slowly, patiently provides precisely what it needed moment by moment, making them grow—allows them to become more and more glorious! Do you suppose this God, our God will not continue to sustain and provide, O my soul? (tender) Yes, the future is unknown, what a glorious and precious surprise! (delighted) Unknown realities—hidden things—these shall not concern us, these will not clutter our minds and hearts. Nay. We will give them no sustenance—no sir. (firm) What then shall we occupy ourselves with? What then is to be our aim, our purpose, our occupation? O, beloved! What do you suppose would be a proper response to such Love as this? Aye, I say: Gladness, joy, expectation, giddiness, thankfulness, child-like faith, awe-filled wonder, gratitude, reckless abandon for all ill-conceived frivolous grasping, hope, anticipation, longing, curiousness, eagerness, earnestness, zeal, patience—love. Do you trust Him? Do you believe? Aye. Then obey His Words. Feast on them, gorge yourself with them—with Him. Stand on your tippy-toes, pursue Him with your God-given intensity with no apology. Jesus, our King has already come to save, and redeem, and restore us. He’s already taken our sin upon His shoulders and covered our shame and guilt with His own righteousness. (tender) Let us throw ourselves upon Him in humble intensity. Those words may not go Together naturally, but with God, anything is possible. Come, kindred spirit, come! Let’s praise Him with unadulterated exuberance! Let’s trust Him! Let’s put our hope in God—our God!