Grace For the Weary

Lord, we know your words, “The Lord God has given me a well-taught tongue, so I may know how to sustain the weary with a word.”

I am one of those wearied souls, Lord. I am wearied with my temptations, wearied with inward trouble.

So now, Lord, speak a word in due season to this poor, wounded, and wearied soul.

Let me serve you, Lord—that is all my desire. Let me see you as you please, when you please.

I am done, Lord, I am done. I have questioned and questioned my condition these many years. And I see there is no end of such questioning. I get nothing by it.

I am a poor, weak creature, and fear I will never be able to bear testimony of the truth of Jesus Christ. But you have said, “I will give power to my two witnesses.” I am one of your witnesses. Now then, Lord, give power to me, for I am poor.

I see the sinfulness of sin, so let me also see the graciousness of grace, and the fullness of Christ. I come to you for righteousness, because I see my sin is exceedingly sinful.

O Lord, keep my soul in the ocean of your free love.

— William Bridge

O, beloved. (gentle)

You are weary. You are sad. You are weak, and poor; helpless.


And yet…beloved? (tender)

That is not all. No. That isn’t the whole picture. It’s but a fragment, a small sliver of reality. It’s you, it’s me. It’s all of us really.

But, O my soul! He…our precious Savior…He is mighty! He is Life, and Power, and He is our All. Whatever we lack, He is for us.

O, beloved. (extra gentle) He is gracious, and kind, and compassionate, and gentle, and…He can empathize with us! For He is a man, with flesh and blood, like us! He knows what it’s like to be weary, and sad. He is the Man of sorrows, yes? He knows.

Please, beloved. Please don’t lose hope. He is our Hope. He isn’t far off. He dwells within us, through His Spirit. We are never alone.

Whenever we feel despondent, we must remember that our life, whatever life we have even now, whether it be our breath, our blood, or our eternal life everlasting…it’s His, it’s Him living in us – sustaining us, holding us.

You are loved. Just the way you are, right now. Do you see? You lack nothing.