Fellowship In Suffering

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings.

— Philippians 3:10 (KJV)


Humbly while my soul doth prove
Sweetest joys of pardoning love,
Still, my Savior, doth it yearn
Love’s deep mystery to learn,
In the shadow of Thy cross
Counting earthly gain but loss,
Breathing still its fervent plea
For a closer life with Thee,
By that high and holy thing,
Fellowship in suffering.

O my Lord, the Crucified!
Who for love of me hast died,
Mould me by Thy living breath
To the likeness of Thy death;
While the thorns Thy brows entwine,
Let no flower-wreath rest on mine.
In Thy hands the cruel nail,
Blood-sweat on Thy forehead pale;
Clasp me to Thy wounded side,
O my Lord the Crucified!

Hands, love-clasped through charmed hours,
Feet that press the bruised flowers,
Is there aught for you to dare
That ye may His signet bear?
In this easy, painless life,
Free from struggle, care, and strife,
Ever on my doubting breast
Lies the shadow of unrest;
This no path that Jesus trod;
Can the smooth way lead to God?

But when chastening stripes descend,
Welcoming as friend doth friend,
Thy dear tokens, Lord, I know,
And to Thee unerring go;
Blessed tears flow warm and free,
Thou dost love me — even me.
Pomp and ease, and praise of men,
All are loathed and scorned then,
Since my Lord, my Love, hath died,
Mocked and scourged and crucified.

By the agony and pain
Of the torture-striken brain,
By the riches of Thy love,
Let not suffering barren prove;
Pledge and emblem ‘t would remain
Of the dark and sullen pain,
Where nor love nor good doth live,
And the blessed word ‘forgive’
Comes not with its subtle art,
Softening, healing, any heart.

In the little islet Time
Of Eternity sublime,
Standing on the flopping brink,
Let me of Thy chalice drink,
Be baptized with Thy baptism,
And be crowned with Thy love-chrism;
Slain with Thee in darkest hour,
Feel Thy resurrection power,
Till where Thou art I may be,
Perfected, dear Lord, with Thee!

— Christian Mirror