Invitation to Pray
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
—Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)
Let us call upon Him again, and admit no doubt upon the question of His hearing us and answering us. He that made ear, shall He not hear? He that gave parents a love to their children, will He not listen to the cries of His own sons and daughters?
God will answer His pleading people in their anguish. He has wonders in store for them. What they have never seen, heard of, or dreamed of, He will do for them. He will invent new blessings if needful. He will ransack sea and land to feed them: He will send every angel out of Heaven to succor them, if their distress requires it. He will astound us with His grace, and make us feel that it was never before done in this fashion. All He asks of us is that we will call upon Him. He cannot ask less of us. Let us cheerfully render Him our prayers at once.
—faith’s checkbook (Charles H. Spurgeon)
O, beloved! Hark! Listen to these words again, please:
“He has wonders in store for them.”
“What they have never seen, heard of, or dreamed of, He will do for them.”
“He will invent new blessings if needful.”
“He will astound us with His grace…”
O, my soul…(breathless)
What…wonderful words, what hope we have in our God! He is zealous for us, aye—jealous even!
The evil one wants us to suppose that He is aloof, or disinterested, or insouciant towards us. No. (strong) Does a Friend, a Lover—God in the flesh—die on account of such apathy? No. (tender)
Tell Him! Speak, cry, wail if you must. May we, Together make ourselves prostrate before Him with humble and lowly hearts. He is zealous, may we respond with fervency! The most…disrespectful thing I can imagine (sorrowful at just the very thought of it) is…for us to keep quiet. We’ve been blessed beyond comprehension with His very Spirit. He wants to be One with us! Well then…beloved, let us pour our our spirit for Him. He is good.