My Confidence: A Prayer

Lord, what is my confidence which I have in this life? Or what is the greatest comfort I can derive from anything under heaven? Is it not Thou, O Lord, whose mercies are without number? Where hath it ever been well with me without Thee? Or when could it be ill with me, when Thou wert present?

I had rather be poor for Thee than rich without Thee. I rather choose to be a pilgrim on earth with Thee than without Thee to possess heaven. Where Thou art there is heaven, and where Thou art not there is death and hell…All men seek their own gain; Thou settest forward my salvation and my profit only, and turnest all things to my good…

In Thee therefore, O Lord God, I place my whole hope and refuge; on Thee I rest my tribulation and anguish; for I find all to be weak and inconstant, whatsoever I behold out of Thee. For many friends cannot profit, nor strong helpers assist, nor prudent counselors give a profitable answer, nor any precious substance deliver, nor any place, however retired and lonely, give shelter, unless Thou Thyself dost assist, help, strengthen, console, instruct, and guard us.

For all things that seem to belong to the attainment of peace and felicity, without Thee, are nothing, and do bring in truth no felicity at all. Thou therefore art the End of all that is good, the Height of life, the Depth of all that can be spoken; and to hope in Thee above all things is the strongest comfort of Thy servants. To Thee therefore do I lift up mine eyes; in Thee, my God, the Father of mercies, do I put my trust…Protect and keep the soul of me the meanest of Thy servants amidst so many dangers of this corruptible life, and by Thy grace accompanying me direct it along the way of peace to its home of everlasting brightness.

— Thomas A Kempis