My Isaac

O, blissful Love, come in the flesh;
Seemed mine, though truly His.
‘Beloved child, what you adore,
That will you relinquish; give?’

‘O, Lord, please, no?’ All else, but this.
‘I cannot bear such loss!’
I hear my name, so tenderly;
You speak: ‘Behold, your cross.’

My heart cries out: ‘Lord, I will break,
For I’m not strong like You.’
‘Beloved,’ You whisper, to my soul:
‘I’m trying to make All New.’

So a feeble step toward the mountain
Risen early in the morn;
Cut the wood for the fire;
The sacrifice, Firstborn.

Tears streaming now and gathering,
All that is required:
The knife, the wood, the offering —
The one my soul desires.

Pleading once more, a better way;
‘Anything, anyone, please?’
‘Be still, my child,’ I hear in my ear:
‘You know not what you’ll receive:’

‘I’m trying to trust, my Father;
I know that You are Sure.
But if I truly open my hands,
What hell will I endure?’

‘Hush, little one,’ You say so low,
‘I will provide; take heart!’
Though fear still rages, aching pangs;
I submit, though only in part.

Together to the altar:
‘But Father, where’s the lamb?’
Beloved bound, laid low and giv’n;
‘Now, slaughter, Abraham.’

O, promised Love, come in the flesh;
We lift our eyes in Hope.
Please intervene, in Your great mercy?
Yield, lend, revoke?

‘A ram in the thicket?,’ I plead aloud,
‘Don’t lay your hand on him?’
My sweet little boy, my life and joy!
I beg You! All we’ve been!?

My Love, a living sacrifice,
Do what You must; I concede.
But if You can’t take this cup from me,
Promise You’ll meet his needs?

He needs Your love and Your embrace,
Comforted; tenderly held.
Your bosom for his resting place,
A haven in which to dwell.

O, be his best Beloved?
The One who is his All.
Refresh his weary spirit;
Harken his ear to Your beckoning call.

The Story ends not with sadness,
Nor death, nor loss, nor pain.
But blessing, glory, Life!
With star-lit skies and sandy grains.

‘Because You have obeyed My voice,
Your honor and love I now know.’
O, gracious Lord, Immanuel;
To whom else could we go?

You alone are the Giver,
We lay down before Thy feet,
Weeping, worshipping, tender;
Relinquishing, trusting, sweet.

We bear this cross with willing heart,
Your pleasure, our utmost aim.
Love, to us You’ve granted;
May we in Love remain.