Our God is with Us

Heavenly Father, where do I begin?

I often wonder this very thing as I begin to pray. My heart bursts! It has known such extreme highs and deep lows. Sometimes I walk in silence, just admiring your Creation, while my heart and mind desperately try to catch up.

I’m so slow. So very slow in knowing how to respond to You.
Your Beauty, your Love, your Compassion, your Mercy, your Grace, your Patience, your Faithfulness, your Goodness.
I’m in complete and total awe of You.
I love you!

I always seem to have such a hard time finding words…or even thoughts to properly, respectfully, adore you.

Thankfully, you’re always so very patient with me. So very kind. So very gentle.

I enjoy noticing all the little things, Father. Every minute detail. Maybe that’s why I’m so slow in knowing how to respond? I’m basking in the radiance and splendor of your world in full color. I’m captivated by your thoughtfulness, and thoroughness.

Even when it’s dark outside and there’s but little light cast by the moon hardly visible, attempting to penetrate thick clouds; there’s still SO much to take in through my senses. You overwhelm me, Father! There are so many things to experience and feel: the cool breeze on my face, the leaves crunching underneath my steps, the shadows cast here and there.

You’re still here, with us, aren’t you God?


Please, be our comfort, even when we cannot see you. Increase our faith, remind us continually of our Hope: Jesus; and teach us to love, as You first loved us.


O, soul; beloved! We must believe. He is good.

We live because He has given us Life. We are but dust, and yet He’s chosen to breathe life into these lungs. What makes a heart throb? What allows it to pump, pulsate, and send blood throughout the body? What is the source of such tender life? What sustains ALL of life? What, or rather, whom is the source of such life?

It is He, the Word, which has become flesh! (John 1:14)

And so, as confusing as all of this is, this life, we mustn’t lose hope. Trust in your God, beloved. Trust and obey, for there is no other way.

He isn’t finished yet. Not quite yet.