Save Us, O Lord!

Dear Heavenly Father? (hopeful)

Please help us.

Please give us strength…for we are so very weak.

Please comfort us.

Please give us courage to face…yet another day here.

Please provide for us.

Please help us to see You and greet You from afar through faith.

Please groan for us through your Spirit when we don’t have the right words or sounds or strength to try and call out to you.

Please be our All.

We love you, haphazardly I know…help us to love you more and more and become enraptured by your Beauty and Love. Guard our hearts and minds…and help us to set our focus and energy on that which is most helpful and fruitful and good.

Please…show your Love to us here and now. Please hold us close…we want to be held. Please shelter us under your wings.

We know so little…we have such a hard time understanding or making sense of things here…please help us to persevere even when we feel as though we’re being led blindly into danger…even when pain presses in and we feel as though it’s hard to breath. Even there—especially there—may we feel your presence. May the discipline and dosage of medicine be perfectly holy and pure and perfect, as you are, O, God…for we are sick and are desperately in need of healing grace. You are our One and only Hope.

O, Jesus…please save us.
