Walk in Light

Shake off thy depression, dear brother. Abide not in the dark, but abide in the light. In Jesus is thy hope, thy joy, thy Heaven. Look to Him, to Him only, and thou shalt rejoice as the birds rejoice at sunrise, and as the angels rejoice before the throne.

faith’s checkbook - March 10th
(Charles H. Spurgeon)

O, weary soul. Do you remember Isaiah 1:18?

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

He knows. He sees you in the dark. He still wants you to come. Come then—come to Jesus. Bask in the radiance of His splendor. He will make you anew. He will restore, and redeem. O, beloved, He is our hope and our salvation. Put your trust in Him, O weary heart. Put your trust in Him.