The Gift of Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27 (ESV)

Dear Father? Sometimes, I feel as though I don’t have your peace, if I’m honest. But yet, as I know, determining my well-being solely based on feelings is a dangerous business, indeed.

You don’t give as the world gives, eh?

O, beloved soul! How lovely are those words!

The world seems to take more than it gives…but even when it does give, it gives with conditionals, with strings attached, with “if you do such and such, then I’ll give - maybe”. What a lousy lot that is? Aye!

But You, Father, give freely, don’t you? I’ll admit, my mind has a hard time comprehending such sweet love! And my heart, although it desperately wants to believe, it too, is baffled by such tender grace!

As I meditate, and commit these precious words to memory (ever so slowly), please help me understand what this all means. I know your peace brings soothing balm to my troubled heart, and softens my fears; I…have experienced this, in part. But, I want to thoroughly rest in this pleasant reality, more fully.

And so, Father? Please actualize this within me, within us, as we walk by faith. Your Word is true, I trust in your promises. My delight is in your provision, as I wait upon you for my every need. Please give me your peace.
