When He Is Nowhere To Be Found

While you are asking, “Where can I find a friend?” or “Who will come to my rescue?”, that friend is already there. While you are questioning, “How can I get out of this dilemma?”, God has already solved the problem. The riddle has been answered, the question explained. You are complaining about a difficulty that has already been resolved by the divine hand.

May we learn to be content in any state. (Phil. 4:11), for this is the best foundation for true happiness.

Oh for grace to feel that if we do not know when God will deliver us, then it is none of our business! If God knows, that is enough. God has not made us the providers, and He does not intend us to hold the helm. We are to follow Him, not lead. We are to obey Him, not prescribe.

Your deliverance is near. But if it tarries it will be a richer blessing.

Perhaps the blessing that is taking so long to spring out of the soil of your expectancy will last all your life.

—”Left Alone” Beside Still Waters (Spurgeon)

Because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
—John 16:6-7

“A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me.”
—John 16:16

“Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.”
—John 16:20

“I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.”
—John 16:22b

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16:11

Beloved? (tender)

I…know the feeling—the cold sweat, the anxious heart racing round and round frantically searching, the darting eyes, the heightened (albeit still dull in effect) sense of hearing, the restlessness—it…is paralyzing at times, yes? (gentle)

This…this isn’t what it appears to be, O my soul. What you think you’re seeing and feeling and experiencing, isn’t actually seeing at all, it’s more like…a narrowing of vision, a blurring of reality, a false ‘truth’. It’s not what it seems. (extra gentle)

It’s more akin to being a nightmare, perhaps, of which you wake up drenched in sweat suddenly realizing that what you thought was true was only a masquerade.

But O, beloved. (urgent, tender) Perhaps…this, even this, is but a gift from Him, yes? It’s His gentle, corrective, provision. It’s Him prodding us, allowing us to exercise our weak but growing muscles of faith. It’s Him…wanting us to lean on Him—press into Him in desperate, needy, frenzied fervor, yes? (extra gentle)

Nothing is lost; no One is lost. (strong)

He’s right here; His very Spirit dwells within us—the God of Love. We’re safe. We’re perfectly cared for. He perceives and provides for our every need before it even becomes apparent to us. (in awe, amazed)

We thought we lost something. (gentle, compassionate) We thought we lost Love. We thought we lost Him. But, O, beloved. (earnest, pressing in)

He never left.

He isn’t finished yet. He never will be finished. He’s placed His everlasting, steadfast love upon us! (strong) When will we get used to it, O my soul? (playful) When will we wake up and see Him in all is extravagant splendor and majesty? When will we stop doubting Him? When will we stop this constant fluttering—this haphazard, timid, faint-hearted timorous trusting of our perfectly wonderful, perfectly glorious, perfectly beautiful, perfectly gracious and most merciful God? (exasperated)

O, beloved! (tender, hopeful, zealous) We are loved! Fear not.

If anything…we should be boasting in the Lord! Is He nowhere to be found? Pish posh. (eye rolling in defiance) We may not be able to see Him, aye, but that doesn’t mean anything. He’s right here. If anything…we should be, perhaps(?), trying to hold back our obnoxious confidence, our smug poise. If God is for us, who can be against us? Huh? What? I can’t hear you? What did you say?

My point exactly. (firm but gentle)

O, beloved. (oozing with tenderness) Whenever you cannot find Him, please remember this amazing, most splendid truth: He never left.

Peace be with you, my dear child. If we boast, let it be in God. If we be stubborn, let it be in boldly proclaiming His everlasting love for us.

He is good.

By Degrees

The gardener knows that if the flowers are always kept in the hot house and raised in warm temperature they cannot live outdoors. Therefore, he does not give them too much heat; by degrees, he exposes them to the cold, that eventually they can survive in the open air. The only-wise God does not keep His servants in hothouses; He tenderly exposes them to trials, so that they know how to respond when trials come.

Beside Still Waters (Spurgeon)

So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

—1 Peter 1:7


Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.

—1 Peter 4:12


So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.

—1 Corinthians 4:16

Beloved? (tender)

“By degrees.”

It’s a calculated, carefully determined, intentional sort of thing, yes? Every. Single. Degree.—every second that goes by, every little prick or pang…everything is purposed by Him, ultimately for His glory and our good.

His ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. We…seldomly understand. Even if the gardener decided to sit down and carefully explain all of the rationale and reasoning for what he was doing, the flower wouldn’t—couldn’t—know why or how…or fully appreciate the careful and kind-hearted attention to detail prescribed. (gentle)

But O, my soul! We can take great comfort in knowing the intentionality of His ways, yes? We know He loves us. We know He is good. Let our hearts find rest in these truths, today, and always.

He wants us outside, in the sunshine. Not in the dark gloomy shed. Let us put our trust in Him.

O, beloved, my soul!—will you gladly subject yourself to His tender care? How desperately we desire to see these trials as His tender acts of love for us, His affection, His care, yes? (fragile, hopeful)


O, Lord,

Please give us courage, be our strength. We are weak, we are fragile. All that we have and am depends upon You. You made us. (in awe) We trust in You. We wait upon You.

You are so strong and tender. We love you.


Free to Travel

And I will strengthen them in the Lord: and they shall walk up and down in His name, saith the Lord. —Zechariah 10:12

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Come, my heart, be thou no more sick and sorry, Jesus bids thee be strong, and walk with God in holy contemplation. Obey His word of love.

— Charles H. Spurgeon - “faith’s checkbook” (October 11th)