The Guiding Hand

Cast thy burden upon the Lord.

– Psalm 55:22

Is this the way, my Father? ‘T is, my child.
Thou must pass through this tangled, dreary wild,
If thou wouldst reach the city, undefiled,
Thy peaceful home above.

But enemies are round! Yes, child, I know
That where thou least expectest thou’lt find a foe;
But victor thou shalt prove o’er all below,
Only seek strength above.

My Father, it is dark! Child, take my hand,
Cling close to me; I’ll lead thee through the land;
Trust my all-seeing care; so shalt thou stand
’Midst glory bright above.

My footsteps seem to slide! Child, only raise
Thine eye to me, then in these slippery ways
I will hold up thy goings; thou shalt praise
Me for each step above.

O Father, I am weary! Child, lean thy head
Upon my breast. It was my love that spread
Thy rugged path; hope on, till I have said,
”Rest, rest for aye, above.”

– J.B.M.