The Poetical Works: Heaven

When sick of life and all the world—
How sick of all desire but Thee!
I lift mine eyes up to the hills,
Eyes of my heart that see,
I see beyond all death and ills
Refreshing green for heart and eyes,
The golden streets and gateways pearled,
The trees of Paradise.

“There is a time for all things,” saith
The Word of Truth, Thyself the Word:
And many things Thou reasonest of:
A time of hope deferred,
But time is now for grief and fears;
A time for life, but now is death;
Oh when shall be the time of Love
When Thou shalt wipe our tears?

Then the new Heavens and Earth shall be
Where righteousness shall dwell indeed;
There shall be no more blight, nor need,
Nor barrier of the sea;
No sun and moon alternating,
For God shall be the Light thereof;
No sorrow more, no death, no sting,
For God who reigns is Love.

—Christina Rosetti (1830-1894)