The Surpassing Glory Of God

Since o’er Thy footstool here below
Such radiant gems are strewn,
O, what magnificence must glow,
Great God, about Thy throne!
So brilliant here these drops of light, —
There the full ocean rolls — how bright!

If night’s blue curtain of the sky —
With thousand stars inwrought,
Hung like a royal canopy
With glittering diamonds fraught —
Be, Lord, Thy temple’s outer veil,
What splendor at the shrine must dwell!

The dazzling sun at noonday hour —
Forth from His flaming vase
Flinging o’er earth the golden flower
Till vale and mountain blaze —
But shows, O Lord, one aim of Thine;
What, then, the Day where Thou dost shine!

O, how shall these dim eyes endure
That noon of living rays!
Or how our spirits, so impure,
Upon Thy glory gaze!
Anoint, O Lord, anoint our fight,
And fit us for that world of Light.

— Miss N.A.W Priest, 1860

O, beloved!

These words reminded me how everything He has created for us here is designed for us to know more of His glory There, yes?! (delighted) Every flower, every tree, every cloud, every star, every singing bird, every song, every laugh, every tear, beloved…they only exist at all to show us more of Him! (gentle)

And isn’t He magnificent, beloved?! We can see His glory, His beauty, His goodness just by looking around - at His world, at His people, at His Love, beloved! We see and know His Love even now, don’t we?! (gentle)

And He is the same yesterday and today and forever, beloved! His glory, His beauty, His Love…it will never change, not ever - come what may! We can rest in the care of such a stable and merciful God, can we not, my sweet one? Yes, beloved. We can. (tender)

And beloved? Do you see what He’s doing? How He’s fitting us, molding us, breaking us, into sons and daughters, king and queens, who will fit right in There, in the kingdom of Light?! He wants to take us into His glory, His Light, His Love! He’s making a way for us to be with Him forever There, beloved! That’s what this life is all about, really! (gentle)

And so…we submit, willingly, gladly, to His will, His ways! We look around us and are reminded, at all times, of His Love! He is mysterious, beloved, ‘tis true! but He has given us clues, little glimpses of Himself, everywhere! Will you look for them, for Him, with me, please, beloved? He wants to reveal Himself to us! He wants us to see!

I pray that our eyes would be ever open to see His goodness and Love! That we would never lose sight of His hidden treasures here, all of which only serve to lift our eyes upward, to what is Real and True, that which will Soon become Life for us, beloved! Soon, all of this world will be but a distant memory, do you know? (gentle)

We give thanks Together for His mercy to us, in revealing Himself to us now!

May all praise, honor, and glory be unto His name, now and forevermore!
