This Day: Lovely

Today, is the day! the Lord has made;
Sacred, precious — Sunday!
A Word spoken, conceived; she: Lovely!

Cherished forthwith, aye! always,
E’en before clock-time was born;
Creator’s lips sung, now adorn.

A day - this life - O, beloved!
Celebrated, revered birth — noble.
Dust, given breath by Him, made hopeful.

Carefully still, He counts each precious day,
Time itself, springing up like grass;
Similar, each strand of hair, at last.

Once, e’en still, treasured by the King, only.
Now, Together, I with Him
Hold dearly — indeed, presently kin.

At last! bone of my bones,
And flesh of my flesh.
O, Lord! this gift…for me? “Yes!”

O, beloved!
My beautiful, tender flower:
If only! I might speak – proper.

You: my Joy — in part, deferred.
Patience says “Wait, gladly!”
Determined, held by Grace, I stay: happy.

Space, set apart, by faith;
Tiny mustard seeds, sown.
Aye! soon, beloved, we’ll be Home.

Rejoice! O, my soul!
Today, especially! joyously I portray.
What! a lovely day!

My! How delighted!
How grateful, thankful: me.
To behold such wonder: she!

True Beauty, now perceived.
His double witness, see?
Love – here – revealed, what mystery!

Seven: sacred, holy; conjoined
United as fourteen: A name, complete.
Two, as one, full — now meet!

O, Lord! You are good.
Delighted, may I say?
Please, bless this gift: Lovely.