A Love Of Faith

’Tis when love can only be in part,
Not fully seen or known,
That blossoms swell like bosoms soft,
Upon the vine He grows.

Soaked in sunshine, gentle rain;
Wind-blown, yet sure and true.
The longing only serves them well —
Anticipation of All Things New!

Sweeter still is the tender flower
Who clings to the life-giving Vine;
Not knowing what the season holds,
But trusting and sublime.

No greater love is there than this,
That waits, seeks not its own;
But surrenders every petal and leaf,
Lies humbled, entwined, near His throne.

In faith, we relinquish doubts and fears,
Give Time a chance to work;
To grow this dim little vine to full,
‘Til eyes see in vivid color.

For once that Great Day shall arrive,
When the harvest of Love is secured,
He will give us to each with such joy:
‘Well done, my child — you have endured!’