A Lovely Ewe Lamb, Named "Flower"

Not so long ago, in a pasture nearby, lived a lovely young ewe lamb, named “Flower”.

This pasture was peculiar to Flower and other lambs there, you see: it held many mysteries. It had some pleasantries: a few green bits of food here and there, scattered throughout; but it harbored thorns too.

Some lambs were quite happy there. Others wandered.

One day, the Good Shepherd called to her: “Flower, come!” She came promptly, expectantly, willingly.

“I’d like your help with something, please.” – He said.

“I’ve lost something – someone –very dear to me.”

She could see the sadness in His eyes, the earnestness in His words.

“Yes, here I am.” – she said.

And so, they went off Together, the two of them. She, cautiously, followed behind Him, with a bit of excitement, but some fear as well. She had never set out on a mission with the Good Shepherd, until now.

She started peppering Him with questions. She, was curious, mostly. But, more than that, concerned.

“Who is lost? Are they in danger? Where are we going? Why do you need me?” – she asked.

“A lamb that is very dear to me is lost. Yes, he is in grave danger. We’re going through the valley. I need him to see you.” – He said.

His answers seemed strange to her. They were “answers”, yes, but every answer He gave only proved to be fodder for more questions still.

“But…who is he? Do I know him? Is he kind? What is he like? I hope I like him! I hope he’s not hurt. Oh dear, through the valley?! It’s dark there! and…there are so many thorns! What good can I do? – I’m not You. Why does he need to see me?” – she continued to baa sheepishly.

“Trust me, Flower, please.” – He said with strength, but total gentleness.
“I cannot answer any more questions just now.” – He tenderly replied.

They journeyed for quite some distance, Together. The lamb they sought, had wandered far. The Good Shepherd had seen him meander, long ago. He let him go, knowing what was best - He knew all things, of course.

Finally, the Good Shepherd paused. He found the little lamb. He bent down and gently lifted him up. His strong arms held him fast. His wool had become matted, torn, and muddy. His eyes were closed tight, puffy with sorrow and despair. The Goog Shepherd spoke to him softly, but his ears no longer worked. He had closed them shut, so that he could no longer hear the Good Shepherds voice.

“Speak to him, Flower.” – He said.

She, thinking to herself, doubting: “What good can I do? He only responds to your voice. He won’t listen to me…is he dead?”

But she, the good little lamb that she was, obeyed His command.

“Hello?” – she timidly spoke.

The little lamb – he slowly perked up one ear and lifted one eye.

“She is lovely.” – he thought.

Then, he saw the Good Shepherd and began to weep.

The three of them journeyed back to the pasture, Together.

The two lambs, looking at one another, followed Him safely Home.