A Wise Desire

He shall choose our inheritance for us.

– Psalm 47:4 (KJV)


The Christian is always pleased and delighted when he can see Christ in the Scriptures. If he can but detect the footstep of his lord, and discover that the sacred writers are making some reference to him, however indistinct or dark he will rejoice: for all the Scriptures are nothing except as we find Christ in them. St. Austin says, "The Scriptures are the swaddling bands of the man-child—Christ Jesus, and were all intended to be hallowed garments in which to wrap him "So they are; and it is our pleasant duty to lift the veil, or remove the garment of Jesus and so behold him in his person, in his nature, or his offices. Now, this text is concerning Jesus Christ—he it is who is to "choose our inheritance for us," he in whom dwelleth all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge is the great Being who is selected as the head of predestination—to choose our lot and our portion, and fix our destiny. Verily, beloved brethren, you and I can rejoice in this great fact, that our Saviour chooses for us.

It is a great truth that God does choose the inheritance for his people. It is a very high honor conferred upon God's servants, that it is said of them, "He shall choose their inheritance." As for the worldling, God gives him anything, but for the Christian, God selects the best portion, and chooses his inheritance for him. Says a good divine, "It is one of the greatest glories of the Church of Christ, that our mighty Maker, and our Friend, always chooses our inheritance for us." He gives the worldling husks; but he stops to find out the sweet fruits for his people. He gathers out the fruits from among the leaves, that his people might have the best food, and enjoy the richest pleasures. Oh! it is the satisfaction of God's people to believe in this exalting truth that he chooses their inheritance for them.

I do not know whether all of you can go with me here, but I think you must in some instance or other be forced to see that God has indeed ordained your inheritance for you. If you cannot, I can I can see a thousand chances, as men would call them, all working together like wheels in a great piece of machinery, to fix me just where I am, and I can look back to a hundred places where, if one of those little wheels had run awry—if one of those little atoms in the great whirlpool of my existence had started aside—I might have been anywhere but here, occupying a very different position. If you cannot say this, I know I can with emphasis, and can trace God's hand back to the period of my birth through every step I have taken; I can feel that indeed God has allotted my inheritance for me.

It was a true faith that made the Psalmist say he relied upon God. He knew him to be worthy of his trust, so he said, "Thou shalt choose my inheritance for me." And, again, it was true love, for love can trust—affection can put confidence in the one it loves; and since David loved his God, he took the unwritten roll of his life, and he said, "Write what thou wilt, my Lord." "Thou shalt choose my inheritance for me."

– ‘A Wise Desire’ - The New Park Street Pulpit Vol. 1 pg. 253-260 (C.H. Spurgeon)

O, beloved!

I know what you’re thinking; what you’re feeling. I know well, oh so very well! the struggle…the toil of this journey.

It’s a battle of our will, yes? It’s a constant clashing, and surrendering, and trusting in His divine purposes instead of the desires of our flesh. Do you concur?

But, oh! will it ever stop? Will the striving cease?!

It will, beloved. In the fullness of Time, it will. It will run its course. Eventually, the bridle will be removed. We’ll be set free - at last!

But, like everything else in His creation, this cannot be rushed. This conflict must serve its purpose.

We don’t understand. How can we? (said gently) Surely, we think, we can choose our inheritance, yes? Maybe…we…can….go…”this”….way? (sigh) No, beloved. (said even more gently) Not that way.

But, what can we do?

We can trust that what He chooses for us is best. We can put our trust in Him, in His goodness. Moreover, we can trust in His love for us. For the only way to trust, is by love, yes?


Let’s show Him our love, Together in this: let’s let Him choose our inheritance, for us, beloved.

He knows what’s best. And, He is good, so very good.

O Lord,

Please help us. We have such limited vision. And our reasoning, our rationale…is pathetic, at best. When we look around and try to make judgments and decisions…when we survey the feelings of our heart…we’re left dazed and confused.

Please, tenderly, cup our face with your strong but gentle hands, and turn our gaze away from ourselves and direct our eyes back to You.

Through the eyes of faith, given to us by the grace of your Spirit, help us to see your everlasting, steadfast, faithful love for us. Melt away all doubts and fears, all thoughts of our choosing. And may we only, always, desire what You choose for us over everything else.

We love You, O King!

We bow before you…knowing that even the crumbs from your table are more satisfying than any other temporal snacking. Enlarge our appetite to the max, for You, Lord…and come quickly, Beloved! For we are parched of thirst…desperarte for You to satisfy.

We want You to choose our inheritance, Lord. We know You love us. We know it’s what’s best.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
