Behold, His Glory!

[1] The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1 (ESV)

O, Lord! My soul oftentimes looks up towards the sky; and I cannot help but respond with a wide permagrin!

I say: “Thank you, Lord!” I assume your masterpiece isn’t for my eyes only, that would be so very presumptuous and proud, and yet…it feels as such. For the vivid detail, the colors, the way in which the clouds are arranged, the way the light radiates and casts it’s rays and chases the shadows every which way; the striking contrast in the many hues, the brilliant white and perilous dark grays, the infinite varieties…

Every time I look up, I…am overwhelmed by your glory, Father, your incredible handiwork! What striking Beauty! What magnificence!

And, I know that nothing happens in heaven or on earth without your doing, and so I wonder, Father…do You arrange the clouds with your very hands? Do you command the moisture to condense and manifest itself in just a particular way? Do you command the winds to blow at a certain speed and direction, while holding the earth’s orbit, sun, gravitational pull, and every other imaginable and unimaginable force in perfect proportion and complexity…all…‘just‘ to put on a spectacular display of your awesome glory?

Oh, beloved soul! Look up! Be amazed! Show wonder, give praise, adore your Almighty God!