I Know You

O, beloved.

I know you.

I know exactly what you are trying to say even when others don’t understand.

I know your heart.

I know how your brain thinks.

I know your motivation for speaking.

I know how you have to work up the courage to be brave and share.

I know how you feel silly, sometimes.

I know how you’re trying to be brave for me, always.

I know the look you give when you’re wanting to reassure me that all is well, and how you’re trying to convince yourself of that very thing, even as you nod your tender encouragement, to try and put me at ease, to keep me from worrying about you.

I know you, beloved.

And I love you — all of you. There is nothing about you that I don’t love. Nothing. Not one thing.

You are known and loved, beloved. Do you know?

You are seen and heard and desired, beyond all measure. Your heart. Your soul. Your mind. Your body.

You are loved so much that you are worth waiting for. Even if that means waiting 40, 50, 60 years — a lifetime, and beyond.

I will wait for you. I will wait with you.

I will never stop waiting for you.

I will never stop praying for you.

You have all of me, beloved. Now and always.

We wait upon our good God, Together.


And when they had eaten their fill, He told His disciples, ‘Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.’

— John 6:12