To Be Known

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

–1 Corinthians 13:12

O, beloved!

Right now, we wrestle with the thought/question: all is not lost – is it?

Yet, some things, are lost - I speak in human terms, of course. Some things are, indeed, lost. We’re silly to try and convince ourselves otherwise.

But, beloved? (said tenderly) This is where we must surrender our reasoning, or logic, our mind…even our hearts. For, we find ourselves pressed up against the limits of our understanding, our capacity, our nature. We, only see in a mirror dimly, now; we only see in part; but, Then we shall know fully as we are fully known.

And…(weeps while trying to type)…what is it to be fully known? I can see, by faith, Him knowing us – not perfectly I know, but in part, I do see. But…(weeps some more)…to be known here and now? It is an unexpected gift. It helps take away some of the ache. It…gives hope, and strengthens faith. It is one of His many precious gifts.

O, beloved! take courage. Do not despair. If anything is lost, it can be found again by the omniscient, omnipotent God Almighty.

Trust in Him, now and always.

May our lips give Him praise, for He is worthy of all honor and glory.