Precious, Puzzling

…the strongest emotion was that life was as precious as it was puzzling. It was an ecstacy because it was an adventure; it was an adventure because it was an opportunity. The goodness of the fairy tale was not affected by the fact that there might be more dragons than princesses; it was good to be in a fairy tale. The test of all happiness is gratitude.

— Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton)

Beloved? (gentle)

Look around you –please. Open your eyes.

Whether it be shame, disappointment or sorrow, lift your head O child of God.

What do you see? What do you hear?

When you look up at the clouds, what is it that most captures your heart? Sure, they’re beautiful…they’re amazing. But, why do they make your heart sing, when you feast your eyes upon their glory? Isn’t it because you marvel at their testimony? They speak truth.

When she looks at you, and you lose your breath; when you kindly receive her tenderness, her love – consider this: He must be good.

O, my soul. What sense is there in charting your own course? What gain can be had in desperately trying to grasp after something of which hasn’t been given?

Come, let us return to the Lord; for He has torn us, that He may heal us; He has struck us down, and He will bind us up. (Hosea 6:1)

Beloved, trust in God. Be grateful. Sing His praises.

Wait upon the Lord. Invite the puzzling mysteries, revel in them, and be in awe of His steadfast Love.

Fear not, my beloved.

He will restore all things.

Nothing is lost.