So We Sing To Him

Oh sing to the Lord a new song,
for He has done marvelous things!

Psalm 98:1 (ESV)

And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.”

Psalm 55:6 (ESV)

Severe trouble in a true believer has the effect of loosening the roots of his soul earthward and tightening the anchor-hold of his heart heavenward. How can he love the world which has become so drear to him? Why should he seek after grapes so bitter to his taste? Should he not now ask for the wings of a dove that he may fly away to his own dear country, and be at rest for ever? Every mariner on the sea of life knows that when the soft zephyrs blow, men tempt the open sea with outspread sails, but when the black tempest comes howling from its den, they hurry with all speed to the haven. Afflictions clip our wings with regard to earthly things, so that we cannot fly away from our dear Master’s hand, but sit there and sing to Him; but the same afflictions make our wings grow with regard to heavenly things, we are feathered like eagles, we catch the soaring spirit, a thorn is in our nest, and we spread our pinions towards the sun.

- ‘For the Troubled’ - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Vol. 19 pg. 21 (C.H. Spurgeon)

O, beloved!

I don’t pretend to know why any of this is what it is here! Don’t pretend to know the mind of God, or why He writes and weaves the way He does.

But what if, just what if part of it all is that He wants us to sing to Him, beloved?

You know how I always prattle on about how every single bit of creation seems to be here for the sole purpose of us seeing and knowing more of our Lord?! Well, what if He created the birds, at least in part, to show us that we can either sit and sing, or we can fly away? And just what if, like birds, we were created to do both, just at different times, in different seasons?

What I’m suggesting, in my rather scattered way, is this, beloved: Perhaps He ‘clips our wings’ with afflictions in this present world, here and now, because it’s the only way to get us to ‘sit still’ long enough to sing to Him!

He must delight to hear our voices, raised in song to Him, yes?! Whether the song is unabashedly joyful or a solemn lament, either way, He desires to hear us, I think? But without His ‘clipping our wings’ we would begin flying away now, would we not?

And, just like birds are created, designed to fly, so we too are meant to fly, One Day! Just not now, not yet, beloved…perhaps?!

When He gives the order, we will fly to Him! Up, up, up; higher and higher! Closer and closer to our Beloved King, to His majestic dwelling place which He is even now preparing for us, and into His warm embrace! The earth and all it’s brokenness becoming gradually smaller as we soar upward! All the old, hard mess left behind, beloved! Can you think of it?!

But beloved? Now is not the time for flying. Now is the time for singing! And you know how much I love to hear your voice, yes? How much more must He love to hear your voice! How it must warm Him, must honor Him, when you raise your voice in song! He wants you near Him, beloved - His precious songbird; that is what you are!

So please don’t be saddened by your clipped wings, my sweet one. They are only thus for a time. The time to fly will Soon be upon us! But in the meantime, we will joyfully, gladly, belt out praise and honor and glory to our Savior King, Together, will we not?!

Yes, beloved. And so we shall!