The Glorious Habitation

Lord thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations.

— Psalm 90:1


Have you ever known what it is to have God for your dwelling-place in the sense of comfort? Do you know what it is, when you have storms behind you, to feel like a sea-bird, blown to the land by the very storm? Do you know what it is, when you have been caged sometimes by adversity, to have the string cut by divine grace, and like the pigeon that flies at once to its own dovecot, have you sped your way across the ether, and found yourself in God? Do you know what it is, when you are tossed on the waves, to go down into the depths of Godhead, there rejoicing that not a wave of trouble ruffles your spirit, but that you are serenely at home with God your own Almighty Father? Can you, amid all the uneasiness of this desert journey, find a comfort there? Is the breast of Jesus a sweet pillow for your head? Can you, lie thus on the breast of Deity? Can you put yourself in the stream of Providence and float along without a struggle, while angels sing around you—divinely guided, divinely led—"We are bearing thee along the stream of Providence to the ocean of eternal bliss!" Do you know what it is to lie on God, to give up all care, to drive anxiety away, and there—not in a recklessness of spirit, but in a holy carelessness—to be careful for nothing, "but in every thing by supplication to make known your wants unto God?" If so you have gained the first idea; "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place throughout all generations."

It is possible to stand exposed to the utmost degree of danger, and yet to feel such a holy serenity that we can laugh at fear; too great, too mighty, too powerful through God to stoop for one moment to the cowardice of trembling, "we know whom we have believed, and we are persuaded that he is able to keep that which we have committed unto him." When houseless men wander, when poor distressed spirits, beaten by the storm, find no refuge, we enter into God, and shutting behind us the door of faith, we say, "Howl, ye winds; blow, ye tempests; roar, ye wild beasts; come on, ye robbers!"

"He that hath made his refuge God,
Shall find a most secure abode,
Shall walk all day beneath his shade,
And there at night shall rest his head."

The Christian knows no change with regard to God. He may be rich to-day, and poor to-morrow; he may be sickly to-day and well to-morrow; he may be in happiness to-day, to-morrow he may be distressed; but there is no change with regard to his relationship to God. If he loved me yesterday he loves me to-day. I am neither better nor worse in God than I ever was. Let prospects be blighted, let hopes be blasted, let joy be withered, let mildews destroy every thing, I have lost nothing of what I have in God. He is my strong habitation whereunto I can continually resort. The Christian never becomes poorer, and never grows richer with regard to God. "Here," he can say, "is a thing that never can pass away or change. On the brow of the Eternal there is never a furrow; his hair is unwhitened by age; his arm is unpalsied by weakness; his heart does not change in its affections; his will does not vary in its purpose; he is the immutable Jehovah, standing fast and forever. Thou art our habitation! As the house changes not, but stands in the same place, so have I found thee from my youth up. When first I was cast upon thee from my mother's breast, I found thee my God of Providence. When first I knew thee by that spiritual knowledge which thou alone canst give, I found thee a sure habitation; and I find thee such now. Yea, when I shall be old and gray-headed, I know thou wilt not forsake me; thou wilt be the same dwelling-place in all generations."

— ‘The Glorious Habitation‘ - The New Park Street Pulpit Vol I pg. 347 (C.H. Spurgeon)

O, beloved!

This boldness of faith! My prayer, now – always – is for Him to give this to us in His perfect proportion.

I wonder…(pondering)…every day that He supplies us with breath, every day we experience life here…He is… working in and through us, yes? Aye.

We, of course, feel like we have good days, and bad days. Perhaps. Yes, perhaps. But, that’s only what we see.

Beloved? We see so very little. We see what’s set before our very eyes right now, and we hear the things within range of our ears — well, sometimes. We are able to pull from a vast archive of memories, some sweet, some bitter. We can, of course, take into account what others share with us too — what they see and hear. Even still, the capacity and the quantity of what is perceived by us is so incredibly fractional, so small, so limited; it’s…hardly even worth mentioning, really. Although, even though it’s inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, to us, it matters a great deal — of course.

(ahem) Where was I going with this? Ah yes — maturity, growth, progress, purpose, faith, uni❤️— those thoughts. Yes.

What I’m trying to say is…

He is good. The world may be falling apart around us, we may feel like complete and utter failures according to our perception of things; but I believe, regardless as to our circumstances, our feelings, our sense of well-being — He — every. single. day. accomplishes exactly what He set out to accomplish in us.

O, soul! Did you experience a trial today? Aye. And, did you feel lost without your Savior? Aye. Did you clamor about frantically until you found rest in Him? Aye. Then cheer up, O heart! He further solidified your need for Him! He, once again, proved Himself to be your shelter, your fortress, your all.

O, beloved! Did you stumble and fall? Did you grasp, yet again? Did you, out of desperation, grope about in the dark hoping to find comfort? Aye. Did the flesh seem to prevail, once again? Did you begin to doubt? Did you start sinking beneath the waves? Oh! You heard the wind, did you? Oh! The waves…those are…BIG…

And down you went. Aye. But, you cried out for help, to Jesus. He, tenderly, held your hand; He pulled you up, again. He lifted your head, once more. Beloved? He accomplished exactly what He set out to accomplish, for that day, that moment in time. Now we know more of His mercy and grace, do we not? He is in control of all things, see? He sees what we don’t see, beloved. He knows all. He is our all. He is everything our heart desires and more. He satisfies the desires we can’t even name — the ones we don’t even know we have.

He is our glorious habitation: now, and forever and ever. Already, yes. Not yet fully, but soon!

O, beloved! Take heart! You feel downcast, O my soul. Yes, and you are precious because of it. It shows your care, your tenderness, your neediness. You are worth more than you can ever begin to imagine. He is good.

Let us praise Him, this day, and again tomorrow, and every day He gives us breath, beloved. Whatever may come our way — all is well. Not because of what we have done – no – but because He is our glorious habitation — secured by His own shed blood.

My spirit, and His Spirit within me, testify to this truth; supplied by faith through Him — all gifts fully undeserved. O, beloved! His steadfast love is better than life, let our lips praise Him!

- written with tears of joy