Unexpected Tender Love

The Master came one night to the door and knocked with the iron hand of the law; the door shook and trembled upon its hinges. But the man piled every piece of furniture that he could find against the door, saying, “I will not admit the man.” The Master turned away, but soon He returned, and with His own soft hand, using most that part where the nail had penetrated, He knocked again—softly and tenderly. This time the door did not shake, but, strange to say, it opened, and there upon his knees the once unwilling host was found rejoicing to receive his guest. “Come in, come in; you have knocked in such a tender way that my heart is turned to you. I could not think of your pierced hand leaving its blood-mark on my door and of your going away without my welcome. Your love has won my heart.” And so it is in every case that loving-kindness wins the day.

— Morning and Evening (February 29th - Morning), C. H. Spurgeon

O, beloved!

His Love is so very tender, is it not? What gracious Love! What compassion! What humility!

What astounds me most, is when I consider who it is that Loves with this tender knock. It is Christ, the Son of God, Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Creator and Sustainer of life—Life Himself, the great “I Am”!

My faint and feeble spirit, breathless, exhales a gasp: “WOW!”

This Master, He is God of the Universe. He speaks, and from His breath, Life is formed from nothing! Without knowing His true character–His Love–one might think it absurd, unsuitable, and completely inappropriate for the God Almighty to behave in such a way, especially to someone, anyone for that matter! who chooses to ignore His presence.

But, wonder of wonders!…He not only shows great mercy, when His wrath would be most perfectly justified; but He…(flabbergasted) humbles Himself! He stoops low and tenderly, gently, speaks softly. He calms our fears, and assures us that nothing should hinder us in coming to Him. He has already, most positively removed any and all barriers to His Love. He instead, beckons us: “Come.”

Beloved? (gentle) Come. He welcomes us, with open arms. May we run to Him, now and always; for He speaks tenderly to us. This is Him, breathing new words of life into us, yes? Indeed. For we were dead. We are verily dead without His Love. We would still be pining for love, this very moment, if it hadn’t been for His tender words spoken to us. Aye! We are loved with a steadfast, everlasting Love!

All praise and glory and honor be His, now and forevermore!

Has He disgraced Himself by stooping low to save us? Oh no! No. (said in a hushed tone) He is most exalted! His magnificence shines bright—brighter than the sun! He is Beauty. What tender Love! What unexpected grace!

He is good.